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Category: Passwords

Bank-grade Security or Why Blocking Password Pasting is not a Good Security Strategy

Bank-grade Security or Why Blocking Password Pasting is not a Good Security Strategy

Your friend creates a website. You are curious and you ask him: “is it secure?”, which, in your mind, probably means “did you secure your website to the best of your abilities?” and your friend replies: “Yes, it has bank-grade security”. Oh, “bank grade security”, damn! That means it’s very secure! Before you intervene, I am by no ways stating that banking websites are insecure – I am interested in how banks and other financial institutions deal with passwords though….

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Your passwords are terrible, and it’s time to do something about it

Your passwords are terrible, and it’s time to do something about it

You know what surprises me the most in regards to data breaches? It’s the fact that people still continue to use passwords like “password” or “123456” to protect their accounts. Think I’m kidding? I’m really not, take a look. Using passwords like these is a big issue because it leads to really, really bad things. Identity theft One day you log into your banking account to do some shopping and next thing you see is that you’ve got no money. You’ve…

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